What is ‘Walking With Jesus’?
A daily, brief commentary on ONE chapter of God’s Word with heart focused questions for application. Written and narrated by Pastor Doug Anderson, one who enjoys putting himself into the story of the Bible, as he leads us in understanding it.
Who is this intended to help?
Anyone who enjoys ‘experiencing’ the Bible, rather than just reading it, and could use some help developing the daily pattern of a few reflective moments with God.
How do I most benefit from this?
Listen to Pastor Doug’s audio narration of his commentary on one chapter of the Bible, reading along with his voice, identifying Scripture in red and key points in blue, and enjoying the pictures! Then read the chapter carefully, making note of those things Pastor Doug points out in his commentary.
Consider having a journal in which to jot down your own Holy Spirit given personal application thoughts of the chapter. Spend a few moments talking with God about what you’ve heard and read today.
Finally, share what you’ve experienced with someone you care about!